Event s
PRAYER (Instagram Post)

Once a Month

Join us every fourth Saturday of the month at the Victor Home for an extended time of focused prayer. These gatherings offer a unique opportunity to go deeper in our relationship with God and experience His presence in a powerful way. Expect to: engage in extended periods of worship and praise, receive encouragement and be ministered to through scripture, testimony and prophetic words and experience the power of corporate prayer. Questions? prayer@msfchurch.com

23 (Instagram Post)


Join us as we gather together as one body to practice one of the greatest self-disciplines God has asked us to partake in. As a church, we will be praying and fasting for the first 21 days of February. You can find more information on fasting HERE.

membership (Instagram Post)

02.22 Membership Class

Wanting to say, “I am all in for the mission of Morning Star”? Curious as to what we are about? Or if you want to just ask questions, we invite YOU to membership class, February, 22 from 9 a.m. – noon. (Lunch included!)