Small Group Spotlight
Get to know our small groups, and you are likely to find one that fits you!
Spotlighting each small group lets you peek inside before stepping in — a preview of sorts. Not seeing the details on the one that interests you? More spotlights will be added over time. But, no need to wait for a spotlight, email small groups for more info.
While the details of each small group change frequently, we do our best to give you a flavor of the group. For the most current information and answers, email small groups.

Mixed Small Group: Sundays @ 8:45 a.m.
At 8:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings at Morning Star, the worship team warms voices and instruments for the service, the prayer team lifts prayers for the church and its members, and a small group tucks itself into a classroom to connect with God and one another.
This small group enjoys the consistency of this early morning time before the week’s schedule has them running. With attenders in their twenties through to their sixties, Don Rice, the group leader, welcomes men and women of all ages to pop in and stay awhile.
In Don’s words, “Our burden is light and our homework is easy.” Conversation opens the group, followed by prayer and a dive into a chapter in the Bible. Occasionally, the group plans dinners and games, but there is no pressure to attend if life does not allow for it.
Perfectly timed, the group ends before the 10:15 a.m. service — just in time to join the worship team, the prayer warriors and the rest of the Morning Star community in worship.
If you want to take a first step into small groups, Don’s group is a perfect fit. If you want to get connected at Morning Star, still a perfect fit!
Young Adult Small Group: Tuesdays @ 7 p.m.
Walk into Morning Star on Tuesday evenings and you hear a roar of laughter from a group of friends cracking jokes and sharing stories of their week. The young adult small group has been meeting for about two years now going through the books of the Bible one chapter at a time.
What does this group mean to co-leader, Mackenzie Durst? “The young adults’ small group is a place where I can find like-minded friends to laugh with, cry with, and go through life with. We have someone from all walks of life. We have those who are just learning about their faith to those who know the Bible inside and out. We have high school graduates and those who are ready to start a family. It is a great mix of people that are there to learn more about the Gospel and each other.”
The group goes through one chapter a week to allow for more in-depth conversations about what the verses mean and the history behind them. The group meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at Morning Star. Mackenzie Durst and Nick Chesnes lead the group.
Women’s Small Group: Wednesdays @ 9:30 a.m.
Ask about the 9:30 a.m. Wednesday women’s small group, and we’ll tell you … God unites women and arms them with the Bible and the power of prayer, no matter who attends or the book studied.
“Of course,” you might respond, “that’s the appropriate spiritual answer.” But these are not mere boasting words for these women. Just ask any one of them. It is how they survive and thrive through the mundane and the extraordinary.
What does that mean?
Every week, these women — from all life stages, experiences and spiritual backgrounds — dive into the Bible to discover more about who God is and what He means to their lives. No, they don’t have all the answers.
But … they ask questions (yes, even the “stupid” ones) and debate answers. They laugh, and they cry. They “amen” in agreement and voice their disagreements. They sort opinions from Truth and search out answers to those things which make them curious.
In short, they get to know God and one another because it matters. The change in their lives and of those they love — obvious. The answers to prayer — undeniable. The impact for God in their communities — unquestionable.
Allison Zeiger leads (though she would tell you she does little of that) the women through a wide variety of studies. Curious? Jump in any Wednesday!
Mixed Small Group: Wednesdays @ 10 a.m.
Hot dogs! Get your hot dogs! This small group which starts at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays sometimes finishes with lunch. Of course, they promise to feed you if you stop by that day!
While that sounds like a pretty good deal, you’ll get more than a full belly …
This group mixes a good helping of wisdom with laughter and plenty of time talking about “whatever”. But what gives this group a five-star rating is the generations of wisdom from the mostly retired participants — such a great discussion on hope last week! Yes, your heart and mind will leave full as well.
No matter your age, they invite you to jump in to their Bible discussions — whether you want to add your wisdom or just take it all in. And, questions are always welcome. Currently, this band of retirees is working through an overview of the Bible — a little teaching, even more discussing.
Led by Pastor Matt Chesnes’ down-to-earth style, this hybrid group meets in-building and online. Each participant chooses what works best for him or her. They would love to have you visit. (Oh, FYI lunch is not available online! 😉